Bentley Map V8i (SELECTseries 10) Help

Creating New Elements from a Script

A script always validates one and only one graphical element at a time. While validating one element, it is possible to create a new element. This can be useful, for example, to create a text label and place it beside/along certain existing graphical elements. A script creates new graphical elements by using one of the PLACE commands below. The symbology of the new element is defined using the LV, CO, WT, and LC variables or by defining a FEATURE (in which case the new element also gets a feature linkage). When placing new elements in a script, all commands and variables in the script operate on the new element, that is, the LV, CO, WT, ST variables define the symbology of the new element. Changing these variables does not change the symbology of the original element, only the symbology of the new element. All the PLACE commands allow entering the exact coordinates, but it is also possible to avoid specifying these coordinates. In this case the origin of the original element is used instead.